Porcelain Veneers

Achieve your dream smile with Dental Estetik Center’s Porcelain Veneers, blending art and science for perfect results.

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted from tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth. They are used to improve the appearance of teeth, addressing issues like discoloration, chips, misalignment, or gaps.

Aesthetic Excellence: Veneers provide a natural tooth appearance.

Durability: Made from high-quality materials for long-lasting results.

Stain Resistance: Less prone to staining compared to natural teeth.

Minimal Invasiveness: Requires less removal of tooth enamel compared to crowns.

Customization: Tailored to fit the unique shape and color of your teeth.

The Procedure

The treatment process for Porcelain Veneers at Dental Estetik Center involves a series of precise and patient-focused stages. Starting with a detailed consultation to understand your unique dental needs and aesthetic desires, the process moves to careful teeth preparation, where minimal enamel reshaping is done. Then, accurate impressions are taken for custom veneer fabrication, ensuring a perfect fit and look. The final stage is the delicate application of veneers, transforming your smile while ensuring natural aesthetics and long-term durability. Each step is conducted with utmost care, prioritizing your comfort and satisfaction.

Consultation and Planning

Initial assessment and discussion of aesthetic goals.

Preparation of Teeth

Minimal reshaping of the tooth surface for veneer fitting

Impression and Customization

Creating a precise model for the veneers

Veneer Fabrication

Crafting the veneers to match your teeth perfectly


Bonding the veneers securely to your teeth.

Follow-Up Care

Ensuring optimal fit and providing maintenance tips.