Surgical Guided Implant

Revolutionize Your Dental Implant Experience with Precision and Comfort Using Our Surgical Guided Implant Technology.

What Are Surgical Guided Implants?

Surgical guided implants are advanced dental implant procedures that utilize a custom-designed surgical guide, ensuring precise and optimal implant placement. This technique combines digital imaging, virtual planning, and meticulous execution for enhanced accuracy and patient comfort.

Precision in Implant Placement: Ensures implants are accurately positioned for optimal function and aesthetics.

Reduced Surgical Time: Streamlines the implant process, making it faster and more efficient.

Minimal Invasiveness: Less invasive approach with typically no need for stitches.

Immediate Temporary Solutions: Ability to place temporary crowns on the same day as the implant surgery.

Enhanced Patient Comfort: Reduced discomfort and quicker recovery time.

The Procedure

The surgical guided implant process involves detailed digital imaging for a thorough assessment, followed by virtual implant planning using specialized software. This leads to the creation of a precise surgical guide. During surgery, this guide aids in the accurate placement of implants, enhancing overall treatment success.

Digital Imaging

Utilizing CBCT scans for a comprehensive 3D view of oral structures.

Virtual Planning

Detailed implant planning with CAD software for a custom surgical guide.

Guide Fabrication

Creation of a tailored surgical guide based on the virtual plan.

Surgical Procedure

Accurate implant placement using the guide, often allowing for immediate temporary crown placement.