Composite Veneers

Transform your smile with Dental Estetik Center’s Composite Veneers, a quick and effective solution for enhancing your dental aesthetics.

What are Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment where a composite resin material is applied to the teeth to improve their appearance. This technique is used to fix issues like discoloration, minor misalignments, chips, or gaps.

Cosmetic Enhancement: Improves the appearance of teeth.

Less Invasive: Generally requires minimal tooth preparation.

Time-Efficient: Often completed in one visit.

Versatile: Addresses various aesthetic issues.

Reversible: Less permanent than porcelain veneers.

The Procedure

The treatment process for composite veneers typically begins with a consultation to assess the patient’s suitability and discuss desired outcomes. This approach requires zero tooth preparation, directly proceeding with the application of the composite resin material. The material is then carefully shaped and polished to achieve the desired aesthetic result.

Consultation and Planning

Tooth Preparation

Application of Composite Material

Shaping and Polishing