Single Tooth

Rediscover your smile with Dental Estetik Center’s Single Tooth Implant – a seamless solution for restoring a single missing tooth.

What Is a Single Tooth Implant?

A single tooth implant involves a surgical procedure where a metal post is inserted into the jawbone, serving as an anchor for a prosthetic tooth. This method is ideal for replacing a single missing tooth, ensuring a natural look and feel.

Mimics Natural Teeth: Closely resembles the look and function of natural teeth.

Prevents Bone Loss: Stimulates the jawbone, preventing bone deterioration.

Improves Oral Health: Helps maintain alignment of surrounding teeth.

Enhances Aesthetics: Boosts confidence with a complete and natural-looking smile.

Long-Term Solution: Offers a durable and long-lasting replacement.

The Procedure

The single tooth implant process at Dental Estetik Center begins with an initial consultation and detailed imaging for precise planning. The implant post is then surgically inserted into the jawbone. Following a healing period for osseointegration, a custom-made crown is attached to the implant, completing the restoration. Single tooth implants are crucial for patients looking to restore functionality and aesthetics due to tooth loss. They offer a reliable and effective solution that not only enhances the appearance but also contributes to overall oral health and well-being.

Initial Consultation

Evaluation of oral health and planning

Surgical Placement

Inserting the implant post into the jawbone

Healing Period

Allowing time for the implant to integrate with the bone.

Crown Attachment

Fitting and securing the prosthetic tooth to the implant.