
Restore Your Smile and Oral Health with Dental Estetik Center’s Expert Tooth Filling Services.

What Are Tooth Fillings?

Tooth fillings are dental restorations used to repair minor tooth fractures, decay, or cavities. They restore the integrity, function, and aesthetics of the affected tooth. -Composite Resin Fillings: Tooth-colored, ideal for a natural appearance. -Ceramic Fillings: Made from porcelain, resistant to staining and wear. -Gold Fillings: Long-lasting and strong, but more noticeable and expensive. -Glass Ionomer Fillings: Release fluoride, helping to protect teeth from further decay.

Decay Prevention: Filling a cavity stops further decay.

Pain Relief: Alleviates discomfort caused by cavities.

Functionality: Restores normal chewing and biting function.

Aesthetic Improvement: Fillings can improve the appearance of damaged or decayed teeth.

The Procedure

The tooth filling process at Dental Estetik Center begins with a thorough examination and decay removal, followed by tooth preparation and the filling procedure. Finally, the filling is shaped and polished for a natural look and feel.

Examination and Diagnosis

Identifying the need for a filling.

Decay Removal

Cleaning out the decayed tooth material.

Tooth Preparation

Preparing the tooth for the filling.

Filling Procedure

Applying the filling material.

Shaping and Polishing

Adjusting for fit and aesthetics.